Vision Builders is our church’s sacrificial giving program where we collectively stretch to expand the vision of C3 Queanbeyan. Vision Builders is where we put our hands and feet to God’s love. Vision Builders funds the initiatives that serve this vision. It is responsible for raising the finance for the ongoing costs with our property as well as upgrades and finishing touches to the facility. We want to create a place we can call home and where people of all backgrounds and faith journeys can connect to the life found in Christ.
Giving is not about equal amounts but equal sacrifice. By pledging to give above and beyond the tithe, we step out to see lives changed for eternity and the church shining brightly as a light to our city. Through your generosity we have been able to see God moving and lives already being transformed. We invite you to consider what God would have you do to take part in Vision Builders.
Vision Builders Sunday
30th JUNE 2024
Vision Builders Sunday is a day for us to come together and celebrate all God has done over the last year through the big hearts & faithfulness of our church community and to believe & stretch together as we walk into the future.
You can pledge into Vision Builders at anytime but we will have a special moment on VB Sunday for us to all give together. Vision Builders runs over the financial year and pledges can be fulfilled at any time over the year.
Following the service will be a whole lot of fun at our VB Party – free lunch, face painting, jumping castle & more!

Pray. Begin to ask God to speak to you about how much you should give. Pray that He will release faith into your heart and excitement about what to do. Don’t give because you feel you have to – give because you want to.
Agree. With your spouse if you are married. Pray with your partner and don’t pressure one another. It is better to give less in agreement than create tension over giving a larger amount.
Stretch. Don’t confuse the Vision Builders pledge with your tithe. Your tithe is where you return a tenth of your increase/income to God’s house – it relates to what you have earned or made. The Vision Builders pledge is over and above your tithe.
Pledge. Commit to give the amount over the next financial year. You can choose to give weekly, fortnightly or monthly, or a once of payment. Whatever works for your situation.
At the heart of Vision Builders is a desire for people to be transformed by the power of Christ.
It is a partnership between ordinary people and an extraordinary purpose.
Vision Builders funds the initiatives that serve this vision. It is responsible for raising the finance for the ongoing costs with our property as well as upgrades and finishing touches to the facility. We want to create a place we can call home and where people of all backgrounds and faith journeys can connect to the life found in Christ.
Account name: C3 Church Queanbeyan
BSB: 082 804
Account Number: 289 082 616
Reference: Full Name
Due to changes to the Australian Tax laws, contributions are not tax deductible.
Vision Builders should be seen as giving in addition to the tithe. Your tithe is where you return a tenth of your increase/income to God’s house – it relates to what you have earned or made.
Firstly, we encourage people to make realistic pledges. However, we understand that sometimes events happen and for whatever reason people find difficulty in fulfilling their pledge within the timeframe. We suggest that you may still want to fulfill your pledge by breaking it down into smaller amounts over a longer period of time.
There is no pressure for anyone to give to Vision Builders, nor is there any minimum requirement. New people who would like to give are most welcome, as is anyone who finds that our vision resonates with them.
If you are in significant debt, paying this debt should be your first priority, along with your regular Tithe. Reducing the debt to a manageable amount (or even clearing it completely) should be attempted as you also make a manageable donation to Vision Builders. Remember no amount is insignificant.
You may remain anonymous if you wish, and all the details of your giving will be kept confidential.