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  • Jesus Is Our Way
    We model our lives after His example, prioritising His lifestyle and His mission.

  • People Are Our Calling
    Serving God means serving people, so that is what we love to do.

  • Love Is Our Reason
    Our love for people drives us beyond our comfort and is the motivation behind all that we do.

  • Discipleship Is Our Purpose
    We prioritise people taking their next steps and embrace teachability.

  • Servanthood Is Our Response
    We go the extra mile to build His house with our God given gifts and talents.

  • Generosity Is Our Joy
    We give the first and the best of all we are and all we have.

  • Excellence Is Our Legacy
    Everything we do is done knowing the significance of its impact.

  • Encouragement Is Our Language
    We know the impact of our words so therefore are intentional with how we use them.

Our Vision is to help the people of our region Know Jesus, Find Community and Discover Purpose.
 We know Jesus to be vibrant, joyful and powerful. His presence should always give rise to a sense of excitement and a fullness of spirit. This understanding of God is reflected in the enthusiastic and upbeat nature of our church services. Jesus said that He came to earth that we might have a life of abundance.

Every time we come together to worship God we are celebrating what Jesus has done for us. Our message is one of faith, hope and love. We have a united vision to build the church by connecting people to God, connecting people to people and also empowering people for effective, joyful service.

C3 Church Queanbeyan began in February 2018 and is part of a bigger movement of churches worldwide who are committed to bringing the message of Faith, Hope and Love to their local communities. As an international family our members are able to walk into any of our C3 Churches around the world and know they’re home. We are united with Christ in His vision, and therefore our mission, to save the lost, make disciples and build His church.


We want people to know Jesus in a fresh, personal way; to have a real-time connection with God. We are a hospitable people – generous and fun and full of life – and we are committed to healthy and growing churches around the world. As an international family, our members can walk into any of our C3 Churches and know they’re home.